Business Development for Lawyers 

A law firm’s attitude to business development is one of the most important factors in determining whether or not it will be successful.

But here’s the secret…. The key to becoming a business development ace isn’t necessarily tearing everything you’re currently doing and starting again. Nor is it always a matter of spending more money.

In fact, research shows that some of the fastest growing law firms actually spend the least on business development. What they do though, is that they spend their money wisely and where it matters.

That’s our philosophy too. We take a targeted approach to business development where we examine what’s working for you, just as much as analysing what’s not.

Then we recommend cost-effective and practical ways to get the most out of what you already have, as well as showing you where you need to supplement your existing resources. It’s an approach that has earned us the trust and respect of some of Australia and New Zealand’s very best law firms.