How To Reduce Stress and Bounce Forward from Crisis, Change, or Challenge

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In early March 2020 I was fortunate enough to sit down with Renee Branson, an expert on mental resilience, for BenchTV. BenchTV produces high-quality video tutorials that are available to subscribers but on this occasion, we thought the content was so relevant that the full interview has been made available to the public.

After a career as an educator and years of working with survivors of trauma, Renee now works with firms and practices helping improve resilience, well-being, and optimism in the workplace. While we concentrated on the legal profession Renee’s advice applies across the Professionals Services Sector.

In this 37 minute discussion we discuss:

  1. Awareness of well being in the profession

  2. The six domains of resilience

  3. Overcoming barriers and building psychological safety in a team (be they in private practice, in-house team, or Government teams).