5 Questions that Build Meaningful Client Relationships


A very interesting conversation was had in the September Continuous Legal Education of Australasia (CLEAA) webinar with Heather Watson and Attiyya Malik, performance experts with Bendelta and advisors and coaches well known to many of Australia’s largest professional services firms and Government Teams.

The discussion concentrated on creating more meaningful conversations and coachable moments when supervising staff working virtually.

Heather and Attiya’s approach is wonderful for staff supervision but don’t just leave these conversation kickers for the office.

These five perfectly paired questions should be in the kit of every client-facing professional who wants to better understand their contacts and build relationships that hum.

Here they are...

1. What are you enjoying doing right now? What about this gives you energy?

2. What are you finding challenging? What about that is challenging?

3. What are you hoping to achieve? Why is this important to you?

4. What is going to get in your way? How can I support you?

5. What else can I bring you into? Is there anything else you need right now?

You can download Heather and Attiyya’s presentation for CLEAA here.

And you can read more from CLEAA, including news about this year’s virtual conference, October 15 and 16, here.

Sue-Ella Prodonovich

Sue-Ella is the Principal of Prodonovich Advisory, a business dedicated to helping professional services firms sharpen their business development practices, and attract and retain good clients.  She is also on the Executive of CLEAA.