Smash That Email!

It's familiar, it's easy to use - but email might just be the biggest killer of time and productivity in the office today.  As for the handful of emails that are actually read - the structure of messages and writing style can confuse, distort or simply bore readers.  

In knowledge and advisory businesses such as law, accounting, financial services, and consulting the impact of email is amplified.  This workshop is designed to help professionals with practical guidance on:

  1. purpose of email, it's benefits and frustrations

  2. writing and self-editing emails to get results

  3. managing inboxes to save time

Workshop details

8.30-10.30am Friday 21 March 2014.  
Seminar room, College of Law, Level 16, 111 Elizabeth Street, Sydney
Light breakfast will be available.


Places allocated on a 'first come first served' basis.

The Speakers

Greg Crowther

Greg is a communications practitioner with nearly 30 years experience as both an in-house communication executive and an external adviser to business and government. During his career, he's been Communications Director with the NSW State Rail Authority and the Australian Wool Corporation as well as consulting to a variety of blue-chip companies. Greg founded - Write for Impact - Business Writing Essentials.

Darrell Croker

Darrell is a business writer, editor and coach with more than 30 years experience in the Australian media.  He held senior journalist and editor positions with Fairfax and News Ltd. Nowdays, Darrell works with a range of businesses to help improve the way they communicate internally and externally.  He is the senior coach with Write For Impact.

What to Bring (you wont be asked to share)

  1. A screen shot of your email inbox

  2. An example of an important email you have recently sent or drafted

This workshop is provided free of charge to friends of Prodonovich Advisory.